Personal Performance compliance involves 8 dimensions. 8 dimensions of performance compliance: crises, work stress, creativity, uncertainty, learning, interpersonal, cultural, physical.

Volkan Korkmazer, CRM Finance

Company credibility, key performance indicators, negotiation and relationship management with financial institutions

Delivering the fundamental concepts regarding financial credibility analysis of the company and improving the participants’ abilities to interpret financial and non-financial data.

What are KPIs that the executives of the company need to pursue so as to improve the company’s credibility and increase its credit rating in a sustainable manner?

What are the key points in regards to negotiations and relationship management between the company and the finance institutions issuing the loan?

What are the early warning signs for loan analysts?

How and how frequently do they need to be monitored?

How To reach New Credit Lines For Small Businesses?

  • • What are the qualitative and quantitative criteria that affect the company’s credibility in the eyes of credit institutions?

  • • How is the credibility affected by the compatibility of the company’s commercial business model with its financial activity cycle?

  • • How do financial statements and their analysis affect credibility?

  • • CASH FLOW & RATIO & SWOT Analysis

  • • What does the top management of the company gain from accurate selection and sustainable monitoring of KPIs?

  • • What are the common mistakes that are made in negotiations and relationship management with financial institutions?

  • • How should the early warning systems and non-performing loan processes be managed?

  • • How should the companies manage the process of re-structuring incorrectly-structured loans?

  • • Case Studies

Based on the “TheInnergame” theory developed by [Timothy Gallway], it has been adopted that performance development and compatibility be adjusted in accordance with individual leveragability balance.
Those being coached are expected to return back to the beginning in the learning cycle to know themselves and continue evaluation with reflected personal impressions.

Timoty Gallway, The Inner Game Of WORK

• Plan, manage and implement an audit from start to end.

• Identify risks and their roles in an audit, and prioritize and measure them. Understand how to identify, document and assess the internal control. Utilize preliminary research that will allow you to understand what to audit and how.

• Seek the best techniques to gather evidence for the audit and prepare the working papers. Improve and implement interpersonal and team skills during the audit process. Understand the importance of communication during audits.

• Effectively manage audit personnel and resources.

• Build effective communication channels with CAE and top management.

• Have a command of audit management techniques through effective planning, problem solving, motivation and vision.

o Learn techniques for documentation and presentation of time management, task distribution and audit results.

o Develop strategies to create an environment of trust, team work, reliability and responsibility, and ensure increased collaboration from the audit team.

• Transforming from being an auditor to leading an audit team means learning and having a command of a new set of skills. Audit managers should not be content with only being an effective auditor; they should also become competent communicators, teachers and active listeners. This enlightening seminar aims to provide the tools that new managers will need to effectively manage an internal audit environment.

• Through applied exercises and in-depth case studies, participants will learn how to manage the roles and relationships of different parties of the audit process. Participants will gain an understanding of how to use the communication channels with CAE and top management as well as find out how to motivate and perform task distribution for a team that needs to work towards a common objective.


  • Audit Planning and Performance

  • Managing Change

  • Interpersonal Skills and Interviews

  • Audit Process – Steps in Detail

  • Communication Results

Communication Results

• Assessing audit findings

• Planning and managing Win/Win exit conferences

• Selling the results of the audits

• Perception and innovation

Bringing It All Together

• Marketing the functions of the audit department and building a positive brand for it based on professionalism and added-value audit reports

• Answering the “How do I ….?” question by identifying them during training and connecting them to real-life situations

• Developing a plan to put into practice the concepts discussed during training

References for Future Audits

• Guide to holding interviews with the employee candidates using simple questions

• Important areas that a typical internal audit department will address

• Sample template forms for internal audit departments to use for comparison with the department’s current files

• Sharing articles that have been written by prominent names of the profession on the operation and management of the internal audit function

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Let’s Talk